Spring Virtual Open Day

24th April 2021

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Why St Patrick's College, Maynooth

This is not our usual Open Day… usually you would able to visit us in person and we could have a chat about studying with us and show off all we have to offer.

So this time, we're coming to you!

To register for the open day you can do so by visiting https://openday.maynoothuniver...

On the day you will find a presentation that we've created with lots of useful information. We've gathered together all the resources we've developed for our applicants in one place so you can have all the information at your fingertips. In it, you'll find links to testimonials from our You tube Channel, our prospectus and the Maynooth University website, where you can take a virtual tour of the Village apartments where our students usually stay when they opt for on-campus accommodation.

Once you've had a chance to have a look through the presentation, you might have questions for us. Caroline and Ruth from our Admissions Team are available to chat on the day.

But don't worry if you are not available on the day the Presentation will be available here after the event and you can just drop them a line anytime at admissions@spcm.ie and they'll get back to you as soon as they can. If you'd like to speak to them in person, make sure to include your mobile number and one of them will call you right back.

We'll do our best to answer all your questions and we hope to meet you all in person soon.

If you'd like to learn more about what Theology is as a subject, have a look at this presentation which was prepared by one of our Theology lecturers, Rev Dr Jeremy Corley.

So, without further ado....off to Virtual Open Day we go!

If you live outside Ireland, check out our dedicated area for international students.

Let’s talk

For Undergraduate queries: email admissions@spcm.ie.

For Postgraduate queries: email pgadmissions@spcm.ie.

For The Centre for Mission & Ministries queries, email: cmmadmissions@spcm.ie.