EL 250 - Principles and Practice of Ecumenism

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Module Level


Time Allowance

(2.5 Credit) Lectures: 12 hours; Private Study: 30 hours


100% Research Project/Essay

Module Aims

The aim of this module is to familiarize students with the Catholic Church’s ecumenical engagement. More particularly, the module (i) covers the key ecclesiological and theological principles which guide Catholic ecumenical dialogue and (ii) explores in some depth certain ecumenical dialogues (E.g., Catholic – Lutheran dialogue etc.).

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain some of the historical factors that led to divisions among Christians.
  • Discuss some of the key doctrinal differences between Catholics and other Non-Catholic Christians.
  • Define 'Ecumenism' and discuss various presuppositions or principles involved in ecumenical dialogue.
  • Explain the different modes of dialogical activity, including spiritual, charitable, doctrinal, and ‘receptive’ ecumenism.
  • Give detailed examples of some of the fruits or breakthroughs of particular ecumenical dialogues.