EM 202 - Principles and Practice of Ecumenism

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Module Level

8 (Undergraduate)

Time Allowance

Lectures: 24 hours / Seminars: 3 hours Private study: 60 hours


Continuous Assessment: 40% (Essay and Tutorials) End of Semester Examination: 60%

Module Aims

The aim of this module is to familiarize students with the Catholic Church’s ecumenical and inter-religious engagement. More particularly, the module (i) covers the key ecclesiological and theological principles which guide Catholic dialogue and (ii) explores in some depth certain ecumenical and inter-religious dialogues (E.g., Catholic – Jewish dialogue, Catholic – Lutheran dialogue etc.).  

Texts to be read (include, but are not limited to):

Lumen Gentium 1-17

Unitatis Redintegratio

Nostra Aetate

Ut Unum Sint

Dialogue and Proclamation

Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the difference between Ecumenism and Inter-religious dialogue.
  • Explain how dialogue, both ecumenical and inter-religious, is compatible with fundamental Catholic ecclesiological principles.
  • Explain how the dogmatic axiom Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is to be understood.
  • Explain some of the historical factors that led to divisions among Christians.
  • Discuss some of the key doctrinal and religious differences between Catholics and other Non-Catholic Christians and non-Christians.
  • Explain the different modes of dialogical activity, including spiritual, charitable, doctrinal, and ‘receptive’ ecumenism.
  • Differentiate between inclusivist, pluralist, and exclusivist approaches to inter-religious dialogue.
  • Give detailed examples of some of the fruits or breakthroughs of ecumenical and inter-religious dialogues.